Understand Our ACTUAL Role in The Great Co-Mission

Feb 22, 2024    Prudence O'Haire, Chris Behnke

Understand Our ACTUAL Role in The Great Co-Mission /// Together We Build With Chris Behnke + Prudence O'Haire

Who Appears In This Episode: Chris Behnke, Prudence O’Haire

Season 3, Episode 5: “Understand Our ACTUAL Role in The Great Co-Mission”

What is the Great Commission and why is it so important for Christians today? In this episode of “Together We Build,” Chris and Prudence explore the meaning and the mission of Jesus’ final command to his disciples: to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything he has commanded. They also share insights from Bobby Haaby, the senior leader of Eagle Mountain ARC, on how to live out this commission in practical and powerful ways. Don’t miss this inspiring and informative episode that will challenge you to embrace your role in God’s plan for the world. Discover more at https://togetherwebuild.tv Follow Chris + Prudence https://chrisandprudence.com/

You can watch the original message from Bobby Haaby here: https://eaglemountain.global/media/gqzg9zf/full-message-the-great-co-mission